Berikut ini chord gitar dari lagu softie with anger issues yang dirilis oleh aryy pada 23 Juli 2021.
Capo di fret 2 G C 5 feet tall.. cuffed jeans, D rainbow earrings D G and a peace sign with both hands C D yeah i probably dont look threatening C Am but dont think me a fool.. Em (cuz you know i can be cruel) (Chorus) G C i'm a softie with anger issues D i might cry but i'm not gonna take your shit G C yeah i'm a softie with anger issues D i sympathize but don't push your luck babe G C D i might forgive but i dont forget D and dont you forget i'm a cancer G C i'll remember every single D thing you ever said C Am Em so dont think me a fool.. (cuz you know i can be cruel) (Chorus) G C i'm a softie with anger issues D i might cry but i'm not gonna take your shit G C yeah i'm a softie with anger issues D i sympathize but don't push your luck babe C Am Em G so dont think me a fool.. C Am you've seen me sweet.. (but darling, i will literally love and light your house on fire) (Chorus) G C i'm a softie with anger issues D i might cry but i'm not gonna take your shit G C yeah i'm a softie with anger issues D i sympathize but dont push your luck babe G C D i'm a softie with anger issues G C D i'm a softie with anger issues (don't push your luck babe)A D 5 feet tall.. cuffed jeans, E rainbow earrings E A and a peace sign with both hands D E yeah i probably dont look threatening D Bm but dont think me a fool.. F#m (cuz you know i can be cruel) (Chorus) A D i'm a softie with anger issues E i might cry but i'm not gonna take your shit A D yeah i'm a softie with anger issues E i sympathize but don't push your luck babe A D E i might forgive but i dont forget E and dont you forget i'm a cancer A D i'll remember every single E thing you ever said D Bm F#m so dont think me a fool.. (cuz you know i can be cruel) (Chorus) A D i'm a softie with anger issues E i might cry but i'm not gonna take your shit A D yeah i'm a softie with anger issues E i sympathize but don't push your luck babe D Bm F#m A so dont think me a fool.. D Bm you've seen me sweet.. (but darling, i will literally love and light your house on fire) (Chorus) A D i'm a softie with anger issues E i might cry but i'm not gonna take your shit A D yeah i'm a softie with anger issues E i sympathize but dont push your luck babe A D E i'm a softie with anger issues A D E i'm a softie with anger issues (don't push your luck babe)