Kunci Gitar Coldplay - ALL MY LOVE Chord Mudah

Capo : fret 2

Intro : Bm-Em-Am-D G G7

Am                  D
 we've been through low..
been through sunshine
been through snow..
Am       D              C/E  G
 all the colours of the wea..ther..

Int. : G-G#-A-A#

     -Am           D
we've been through high..
      Bm            Em
every corner of the sky..
 and still we're holding on
  Em      -D/F#

Chorus :
G        Am -Bm C
 you got all my love..
           C          D
whether it rains.. or pours..
        Em    -D/F#
i'm all yours..

G        Am -Bm C -Csus4 C
 you got all my love..
           C   Bm         Em  D
whether it ra..ins.. it rema..ins..
Bm-Em         Am -D  G     G7
   you've got all my love..

Int. : Am D Bm Em
       Am D Em -D/F# G 

   -Am    D
and til i die..
       Bm              Em
let me hold you if you cry..
F                       Em   -D/F#
 be my one two three forever..

Chorus :
G        Am -Bm C
 you got all my love..
           C          D
whether it rains.. or pours..
        Em    -D/F#
i'm all yours..

G        Am -Bm C -Csus4 C
 you got all my love..
           C   Bm         Em  D
whether it ra..ins.. it rema..ins..
Bm-Em         Am -D  G     G7
   you've got all my love..

Int. : Em-Am-Bm-C-D..

Chorus :
G       Am-Bm  C
 lalala la la  lay..
           C          D
whether it rains.. or pours..
          Em    -D/F#
i'm all.. yours..

G       Am-Bm C
 lalala la la lay..
       C   Bm  Em        D
that's all..   all i can say..

Int. : G Am-Bm C -G C
       C D  Em  -D/F# G
            huu..     hu..

Chorus :
        Am -Bm  C -Csus4 C
you got all my love..
       C           Bm
oh for now.. and always..
        Em          D
til the end.. of my days..
Bm-Em         Am -D  G    G7
   you've got all my love..
Em-Am         D      G
   you've got all my love..


Intro : C#m-F#m-Bm-E A A7

Bm                  E
 we've been through low..
been through sunshine
been through snow..
Bm       E              D/F# A
 all the colours of the wea..ther..

Int. : A-Bb-B-C

     -Bm           E
we've been through high..
      C#m           F#m
every corner of the sky..
 and still we're holding on
  F#m     -E/G#

Chorus :
A        Bm -C#m D
 you got all my love..
           D          E
whether it rains.. or pours..
        F#m   -E/G#
i'm all yours..

A        Bm -C#m D -Dsus4 D
 you got all my love..
           D   C#m        F#m E
whether it ra..ins.. it rema..ins..
C#m-F#m        Bm -E  A     A7
    you've got all my love..

Int. : Bm E C#m F#m
       Bm E F#m -E/G# A 

   -Bm    E
and til i die..
       C#m             F#m
let me hold you if you cry..
G                       F#m  -E/G#
 be my one two three forever..

Chorus :
A        Bm -C#m D
 you got all my love..
           D          E
whether it rains.. or pours..
        F#m   -E/G#
i'm all yours..

A        Bm -C#m D -Dsus4 D
 you got all my love..
           D   C#m        F#m E
whether it ra..ins.. it rema..ins..
C#m-F#m        Bm -E  A     A7
    you've got all my love..

Int. : F#m-Bm-C#m-D-E..

Chorus :
A       Bm-C#m D
 lalala la la  lay..
           D          E
whether it rains.. or pours..
          F#m   -E/G#
i'm all.. yours..

A       Bm-C#m D
 lalala la la  lay..
       D   C#m F#m       E
that's all..   all i can say..

Int. : A Bm-C#m D -A D
       D E   F#m -E/G# A
             huu..     hu..

Chorus :
        Bm -C#m D -Dsus4 D
you got all my love..
       D           C#m
oh for now.. and always..
        F#m         E
til the end.. of my days..
C#m-F#m        Bm -E  A    A7
    you've got all my love..
F#m-Bm         E      A
    you've got all my love..

Chord ALL MY LOVE - Coldplay